Tips for the home

These Tiny Red Bugs Could Be Trouble! Learn How to Remove Them


Small Red Insects: What Are They?

Have small, tiny, red insects appeared on your balcony that resemble spiders in appearance? They are not flies or arachnids, but the redwing weevil, which reproduces rapidly and can nest in our homes. How to get rid of unwanted guests? Learn the simple way.

Recognizing the Redwing Weevil

Small, red insects, resembling spiders, are not representatives of arachnids but rather mites. Their full name is redworms. They are small creatures growing up to just 4 mm and are covered with short, brightly colored hairs. Although they pose no threat to humans or animals, no one wants to have them on their balconies. Especially since they can easily get into the apartment. How to get rid of them? All you need to do is prepare a simple spray.

Why Do They Appear on Balconies?

In appearance, they resemble ticks or miniature spiders but differ from them in their intense red color. They can be found both in meadows or parks and on the facades of buildings. The redwing weevil feels best in warm, well-sunny places, so we often find them on our windowsills or balconies.

The Invasion Risk

The mites easily make their way from balconies into our apartments, and their presence can be a nuisance, as they multiply at an alarmingly fast rate. If we don’t get rid of them quickly, we could be dealing with a real invasion.

A Natural Solution to Get Rid of Redwing Weevils

They should not be killed as they are very useful creatures that feed on many garden pests. A natural spray will come to your aid to deter them. You only need two ingredients and most likely you already have them at home. Spray them on your windowsill and balcony and you will forget about mites.

How to Make the Spray

The spray against mites is based on two commonly available ingredients: water and spirit vinegar. Mix water and vinegar in a ratio of 1:2, and then add a drop of dishwashing liquid to them. Mix the whole thing thoroughly and pour it into a bottle with an atomizer.


Spray the balcony and window frames with such a solution. This activity should be repeated for several days until all the mites have left the balcony. Don’t forget to also spray the windowsill and the entrance to the balcony.

By following these simple steps, you can ensure your balcony remains free of unwanted redwing weevils and enjoy a pest-free environment.