Tips for the home

This Kitchen Paper Trick Will Change Your Life: Use It for This


Discover the Versatile Uses of Kitchen Towels

Kitchen towels are an essential product in the kitchen of every household. They are a key element when it comes to cleaning stains from the food we are cooking or to drying our hands. However, we should know that this paper has multiple uses that can be very useful and practical in other parts of our home. Below, we explain some of the tricks you never imagined and that will change your life.

The Kitchen Paper Trick That Will Change Your Life

Among the many uses of paper towels that we are going to explain below, there is a trick that you may not know: transforming them into a perfumed wipe. Just spray a few sheets of paper towels with your favorite perfume or essential oil, and place them in cabinets, drawers, suitcases, or wherever you want to give a touch of fragrance. The paper towel will keep the scent for a long time and will release it little by little.

Absorbing Oil from Fried Foods

If you want to prevent fried food from becoming too greasy and heavy, you can use kitchen paper to remove excess oil. Just place a tray or plate with one or two layers of paper and place the food fresh from the frying pan or deep fryer on top. The paper will absorb the excess oil and leave the food crispier and lighter.

Removing Excess Water from Fish

Another trick with paper towels is to remove excess water from fish before cooking. This will make the fish tastier and drier and prevent it from falling apart when frying or baking. Just blot the fish well with paper after washing and before seasoning or breading.

Keeping Vegetables Fresh

If you want to keep vegetables fresh for longer in the refrigerator, you can wrap them in slightly damp kitchen paper. This will prevent them from drying out or becoming wilted, and will maintain their color and texture. You can do this with lettuce, spinach, celery, carrots, etc.

Eliminating Moisture in the Vegetable Drawer

Another way to use paper towels to keep vegetables fresh is to place them at the bottom of the crisper drawer in the refrigerator. The paper will absorb the moisture that is generated in the drawer and prevent the vegetables from rotting or getting moldy. Remember to change the paper from time to time so that it continues to do its job.

Bringing More Freshness to Frozen Bread

If you want to thaw frozen breads without losing their freshness and flavor, you can use kitchen paper to wrap them before putting them in the microwave or oven. The paper will keep the bread from drying out or becoming hard, and will keep it tender and fluffy.

Avoiding Splatters in the Microwave

Cooking paper can also be used to prevent food from splattering inside the microwave when heating or cooking. Just cover the food with a sheet of paper before putting it in the microwave. The paper will protect the appliance from stains and odors and make it easier to clean.

Turn the Paper into a Cleaning Wipe

If you need to clean a surface or an object and you don’t have a rag or cloth handy, you can use a paper towel as an improvised cleaning wipe. Just moisten it with water or a suitable cleaning product and wipe it over the area you want to clean. Sink paper is quite resistant and absorbent, and will be useful for cleaning glass, mirrors, furniture, shoes, etc.

Cleaning Stains

Finally, kitchen paper can also help you clean different types of stains, such as wine, ink, or grease stains. Just place a couple of sheets of paper towels over the stain and press with a hot iron or a sponge dampened with a mixture of soap and water. The paper towel will absorb the stain and leave the surface clean.

As you can see, paper towels have many uses beyond using the paper to dry our hands or even as a portable napkin holder. In fact, it can be very useful, although if you want to get the most out of this product, we recommend that you choose a good quality, soft and resistant kitchen towel.