Tips for the home

Tired of wasps, mosquitoes, ants in the house: Here’s what will definitely help you get rid of them


With the rising temperatures in summer, wasps, midges and ants can quickly become annoying roommates. Keep your home insect-free with these tips.

The warm summer months are not only a pleasant time for us humans, but also for numerous insects. Wasps, mosquitoes and ants are especially on the move now and can reproduce optimally in the dry weather. Although these small animals are important for the ecosystem, the fun stops when there is a column of ants in your home. How to keep insects away from your own four walls.

Keep your home insect-free: Repel mosquitoes

When we sit outside and eat in summer, wasps can be extremely annoying.

  • Use fly screens: If you install fly or insect screens in the windows, you can directly prevent the animals from entering your home.
  • Set up aromatic plants: The right plants can help repel mosquitoes. Herbs such as lavender, mint, lemon balm, thyme, basil and rosemary have a repellent effect on mosquitoes. Place the pots on windowsills to prevent mosquitoes from flying into the house in the first place.
  • Apply essential oils: Explains, essential oils such as lemongrass, cinnamon or clove aroma are also effective against mosquitoes. Apply the oils to window frames. However, always follow the instructions for the recommended dilution.
  • Avoid standing water: Mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water. So avoid leaving open containers of water in your home for too long. Change the water in flower pot saucers regularly.

Tips to keep insects away from your home: Deter wasps

  • Do not leave food and drinks out in the open: Wasps love sweets and meat. An open can of cola or grilled meat attracts the animals. Once they are there, they are hard to get rid of.
  • Distract them with food: You can also use the fact that wasps fly to sweet things to their advantage. Place a container with something sweet, such as overripe grapes, at a safe distance. This will attract the animals and keep them away from your dining table.
  • Cover garbage cans and compost heaps: With food scraps, garbage and compost are a feast for insects. A lid makes the feeding places difficult for wasps to reach and keeps the smell out.
  • Essential oils: Similar to mosquitoes, wasps are not fond of essential scents such as clove oil, tea tree oil or citronella scent.
  • Spray bottle with water: If a wasp has nevertheless found its way into your home, you can defend yourself. You can spray them with water from a spray bottle. The wasps will think it is raining and disappear into their nest.

10 animals in the home that are really harmless – from silverfish to millipedes

Make your home insect-proof: Avoid a plague of ants

  • Avoid food waste: To prevent an ant infestation, do not leave any leftover food lying around in your home. Sweets in particular are used by ants as a source of food. Wrap your food well to avoid attracting the animals.
  • React quickly: If the first ants are in the house, you should sweep them up immediately and take them outside to avoid a column. Affected areas can then be sprinkled with cinnamon as a deterrent.
  • Dissolve ant trails: Columns of ants can be interrupted or diverted with school chalk, lime or crushed eggshells, such as explained. So you can steer the little crawlers back out into the garden.
  • Sealing joints: To prevent ants from entering the house, joints and cracks can be sealed with silicone.