Tips for the home

Understanding the COOL Mode in Air Conditioners and How to Use It


When you’re looking to cool down, your air conditioner is there for you! Just select “COOL” on the remote control and adjust the temperature and fan speed to your liking. We all know that summertime can get pretty toasty, so it’s important to find ways to keep your home cool and comfortable.

In this sense, the air conditioner is one of the most used appliances, but to extract its full potential it is necessary to have knowledge about its different methods such as COOL. Its main function is to cool any room, making the temperature much more pleasant. To find out what COOL means in air conditioning and how to use this mode, in unCOMO we recommend you read this article.

What COOL means in the air conditioner

The COOL mode of an air conditioner is a concept that derives from the English term “cool down“, whose meaning is to cool. Thus, when this mode is activated, the device emits cold air in order to reach the programmed degrees.

In the control of the air conditioning equipment is everything you need to handle it correctly. In addition, it includes basic functions and gives the option to program the air output. When you press the “cool” button on the control, the device will expel cold air and begin to cool the room you are in.

COOL mode is undoubtedly the most common among the different modes of an air conditioner. On the “cool” button, there is usually an icon representing a snowflake, which also serves to differentiate it on the control from other modes of the air conditioner.

When and how to use the air conditioner’s COOL mode

Once you have understood the meaning of the COOL mode of the air conditioner, you will be interested to know when it is advisable to use it and how. This is essential to get the most out of your air conditioner.

It is advisable to activate the COOL mode during the summer months, as this is the hottest time of the year. In these hot months, the ambient temperature in a company with large facilities or in an industrial building should not be less than 5oCcompared to the outside temperature.

What happens if the air conditioner is set to COOL

When this function is activated, there is no great climatic difference and people have the feeling of being in a much more comfortable and pleasant environment. However, it is necessary to have a system capable of regulating the thermostat to the desired temperature. If your air conditioner has a lower power, it will not get to the right temperature and, consequently, will result in an increase in energy expenditure.

However, sometimes problems arise when you change the cooling mode on the remote control. The main reasons are that the air conditioner is in hot mode, perhaps because you last used it in winter, or because it is not in the correct position.

It is also important to note that the COOL or HEAT modes of an air conditioner allow you to activate the cooling or heating function according to your needs. However, HEAT mode requires that the air conditioner includes a heat pump. In this case, the unit will reverse the traditional cooling circuit, expelling warm air to the outside.

Benefits of air conditioner COOL mode

The COOL mode of an air conditioner has important benefits that you will be able to notice within minutes after activating it. These are as follows:

  • It cools the space quickly: the thermal change originated in the outdoor unit will allow the air passing through the split to cool quickly.
  • It adjusts the speed and temperature of the air: if your air conditioner is equipped with Inverter technology, the compressor will stop when it reaches the desired temperature. The fan will continue to run at a slower speed, maintaining a cool and evenly cooled space.

Which is better air conditioner COOL or DRY?

You should turn the air conditioner’s COOL mode on when outdoor temperatures are too high. However, when the temperature is moderate and with high humidity, the DRY mode is the best if you use the appliance.

As for the consumption of the air conditioner, it will depend a lot on the ambient conditions. In areas with high humidity, the DRY mode needs more time to reach the levels at which the air conditioner is set, so it will consume more energy.

The same happens with the COOL mode, but in this case with the temperature instead of the humidity. The air conditioner seeks to reach the degrees programmed in the control. Thus, the farther the room temperature is from the one specified on the control, the more energy it consumes.

Among the benefits of the DRY mode of the air conditioner, the following stand out:

  • Fresh and healthy air.
  • Removes humidity from the environment.
  • It avoids humidity inside the home.
  • Energy saving.

Now that you know what COOL means in air conditioning and how to use this mode, do not miss these articles on Types of air conditioning and How to clean an air conditioner.

If you want to read more articles related to What does COOL mean in air conditioning and how to use this mode, we recommend you to visit our category of Maintenance and safety at home.